The scientific name of the American Bison, often referred to simply as “bison,” is Bison bison. It belongs to the family Bovidae.
There are two subspecies: the Plains Bison (Bison bison bison) and the Wood Bison (Bison bison athabascae).
In the wild, the lifespan of bison (Bison bison) typically ranges from 15 to 20 years.
Bison predominantly feed on grasses but also include flowering plants, lichens, and leaves from woody plants in their diet.
On average, bison consume approximately 1.6% of their body mass per day in the form of dry vegetation.
It is a close relative of the yak.
Habitat and fibre production
Bison, indigenous to North America, once freely traversed the expansive grasslands and prairies spanning from Canada to Mexico.
Annually, during spring, they undergo the shedding of their coats.
The bison’s fur comprises rugged guard hairs and delicate down hairs.
The yak features a two-layered coat, with an outer coarse layer serving as protection against harsh climate, while the inner, finer layer serves to offer warmth and insulation to the animal.
The production of hair per animal is around 1-2 kg and the total annual production is 5 tons.
Physical properties
Length (mm)
Diameter (µm)
Tenacity (cN/tex)
The outer guard hair of bison is characterized by its greater length, coarseness, and strength, in stark contrast to the inner hair, which is silky, soft, fine, and possesses a lustrous quality.
The guard hairs are hollow, and unlike the inner hair fibers, they do not contain a medulla.
The fine-down hairs are solid and covered with fine scales.
The diameter of undercoat hair fibres in bison is comparable to that of fine and medium-grade sheep’s wool.
Items crafted from bison hair fibre are incredibly soft, boast temperature-regulating properties, are hypoallergenic, and exhibit antimicrobial qualities.
Additionally, these products are low-maintenance and easy to care for.
Typical uses
Fibres derived from these sources have been employed by Americans to craft high-end ropes, and they are also utilized as insulation stuffing.
United by Blue, an outdoor company, endeavoured to manufacture socks by blending bison hair with merino wool, resulting in a durable yarn[1].
Also, knitted products like shawls and scarves are produced by blending the bison hair fibres with other natural animal fibres.