Non Conventional Fibres Association

Non-Conventional Fibres Association- Our Identity & Purpose

The NCFA is an organisation that promotes non-conventional fibres (Registration no. – NTC-234 of 2023 and registration date – 24th April 2023). Fibres made with non-conventional fibres are a luxurious and sustainable alternative to conventional fibre. NCFA acts as a platform to promote the use of these fibres in the textile industry. We interface with cultivators, textile enterprises, users and the policy establishment to promote industry needs beneficially. The Association also undertakes advocacy to popularise the use of these fibres in different applications.

Our Vision

We are mainstreaming the use of non-conventional fibres and popularising them among end users while acting as an advocacy group to promote industry interests.

Our Mission

To bring together and represent the interests of cultivators of non-conventional fibres, various product manufacturers, processors, textile mills, and its end users to promote its adoption in various applications.

Design elements of the Logo that adhere to its purpose and role in the industry